Our Program

Our Program

The Foundation for Care Management (FCM ) is a recognized leader in local, national, and international continuing medical education for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals. Founded in 1995, FCM is a non-profit 501c3 tax-exempt organization whose role is to fill the education and practice gaps of primary care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, and pharmacists) to enhance their general competencies and desired attributes. These attributes include patient care, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, systems-based practice, and medical knowledge. FCM and its educational partners service small rural hospitals, clinics, and physician offices throughout the country in providing educational tools and resources to improve patient outcomes.


Content topics for CE focus on medical practice related to current diagnosis and treatment, referral risk management, patient education, and other topics that are within the generally accepted range of the basic medical sciences for individual and group medical practices and are evidence-based. Content topics for nursing and pharmacy are those that are within their respective practice areas and will enhance that practice. Most activities are multi-disciplinary in content and promote the various healthcare providers to work as a team. Content areas as well as educational modalities are derived from documented educational and practice gaps as identified by FCM and its educational partners. In addition the FCM Advisory Board applies multi-disciplinary expertise to recommend course content and presentation methods to the Planning Committee.

Teaching Modalities

FCM accredits a wide range of CE activities. All activities include a syllabus of course information and content that the participant can use for reference and/or share with colleagues. Many courses also feature toolkits for primary care providers and patients.

  • Single topic programs (1 to 2 hours), on-site, face-to-face lecture/ discussion;
  • Conferences (4 to 8 hours) with multiple speakers who address the same or different topics
  • Workshops (2 to 3 days) with 5 to10 presentations on relate, yet general topics
  • Regularly scheduled series such as grand rounds and journal club series          
  • Internet enduring materials and live virtual programs
  • Enduring materials such as case studies, online video and computer based instructional programs.

FCM conducts courses locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Professional Services

  • Program and course development
  • Medical education consulting
  • Joint providership
  • Presentation review
  • Event planning consulting

About FCM

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